Conflicts of Interest:

Human Factors Cast will disclose any travel or accommodations from any of the companies we talk about on the show publicly in the relevant episode(s).  If we attend a press event or conference, we will provide candid feedback, regardless if we have paid for access to the event ourselves, through our employers, through other organizations, or through our media outlets. We may occasionally talk about work and projects created by friends of ours, and will disclose those relationships when relevant. If one of us has worked on a project we’re discussing, we’ll disclose that fact.

Review Copies/Samples/Complementary passes:

Many of the products, or services we cover are purchased out of pocket. If something is sent to us for review consideration free of charge, or are made available through online press accounts, we will disclose that information publicly in the relevant episode(s). We may agree to review embargoes (i.e. holding our impressions until an agreed-upon date) as a condition for pre-release access to a product. Beyond that, we will not accept preconditions on a review code or sample, including whether or not to cover the product at all.