Human Factors Minute is now available to the public as of March 1st, 2023. Find out more information in our: Announcement Post!

Mica Endsley

Mica Endsley Profile Photo


Dr. Endsley provides expertise in the development of advanced technologies, user experience, usability, human factors, situation awareness and decision-making, human-system integration, and information fusion.

April 2, 2022

HFES Presidential Town Hall (April 2022) | Bonus Episode

Join us on Friday, April 1 at 1pm ET for our next HFES Presidential Town Hall. HFES President Christopher Reid and HFES President-Elect Carolyn Sommerich will be joined by Blake McGowan, Debbie Boehm-Davis, Gary Orr and Mica Endsley along with Human Factors Cast host Nick Roome for an hour long pod…
Oct. 3, 2018

#HFES2018 Bonus Interview With Mica Endsley

Join us for our bonus interview with Dr. Mica End…
Guest: Mica Endsley