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Güliz Tokadli

Güliz Tokadli Profile Photo

Human Factors Lead

Güliz is a researcher/engineer who performs human factors/experience related research to improve the existing systems or develop new systems by utilizing human-centered (autonomy) design process. Their main research focuses on developing a methodology for human-autonomy teaming design (how humans and autonomous systems can team up and collaborate).

Area of study: Human factors and cognitive engineering; human-autonomy teaming; autonomy interface design; user experience research; interaction design; function allocation between human and autonomy.

Oct. 18, 2022

Alarm Flooding Simulation, Autonomous Trucks, and Automation/AGI Risks | #HFES2022 | Bonus Episode

On this bonus conference coverage episode of Human Factors Cast we interviewed Güliz Tokadli about some of the HF challenges with Autonomous Trucks, Karine Ung about PER4Mance - a new way to deal with alarm flooding, and Paul Salmon about Automation, and General Artificial Intelligence risks.