Aug. 22, 2023

Human Factors Weekly News 22AUG2023

Human Factors Weekly News 22AUG2023

Human Factors Weekly News

Welcome to the Human Factors Cast Weekly News Roundup, a weekly roundup of all news related to Human Factors, Psychology, Design, and Technology as it relates to humans. These stories are selected as potential topics for Human Factors Cast's weekly podcast.  Want this in your RSS/Feed reader? Grab our RSS Feed here.

Our Top News Stories

These consist of news stories that we feel have enough substance to them to justify a 20-30 minute segment on the podcast. Our Patreons decide which topics we discuss on the show from these types of news stories.

Human Factors News

These consist of news stories that have a human factors application, but may just be a brief one-liner (e.g. not a whole lot to talk about but cool enough for us to share).

If you haven't already, join us on Discord or on any of our social media communities (LinkedInFacebookTwitterInstagramTikTok) to continue the conversation about these, and many other topics!


Have a News Story You Would Like to Share?

Have something you would like to share with us? (Feedback or news) Let us know here! 

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