Human Factors Weekly News
Our Top News Stories
These consist of news stories that we feel have enough substance to them to justify a 20-30 minute segment on the podcast. Our Patreons decide which topics we discuss on the show from these types of news stories.
- Koma 1.5 can be either a buggy or a powered exoskeleton, as required
- User-centered requirement elicitation for the procurement of medical equipment used by different services and types of end-users
- Teaming with industrial cobots: A socio-technical perspective on safety analysis
- New Research Shows Learning Is More Effective When Active
Human Factors News
These consist of news stories that have a human factors application, but may just be a brief one-liner (e.g. not a whole lot to talk about but cool enough for us to share).
- Humans could definitely live to 130, scientists say
- Google Maps Adds Wildfire Layer to Help You Find the One Place That's Not Burning
- Effects of vibration and target size on the use of varied computer input devices in basic human-computer interaction tasks
- Amazon’s Astro Is a Mobile Alexa and Cup Holder that Costs $1k
- Extra spacing can boost children's reading speed
- Stanford exoskeleton research demonstrates the importance of training
- The vicious circle of high academic achievement
- Deadly auto crashes more likely during pandemic lockdown
Unfortunately from time to time, we run into stories that may be painful to read, but are relevant to the field of human factors. In this case, the following story deals with the tragic loss of life as a result of a cybersecurity issue. We're including this in our stories as it highlights the importance of the Human Factors behind cybersecurity. Read at your own risk.
If you're curious at all as to how we find and sort through this news, join Nick on Twitch for his office hours, every Monday from 4:00PM-5:00PM Pacific, 7:00PM-8:00PM Eastern.
If you haven't already, join us on Slack and Discord or on any of our social media communities (LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram)!
Photo Credit:
- Photo by ATOUN Inc.
- Photo by Pavel Danilyuk from Pexels
- Photo by RODNAE Productions from Pexels