Dec. 8, 2022

Changes Inbound for Human Factors Minute Distribution

Changes Inbound for Human Factors Minute Distribution

Hello everyone!

We have some exciting news to share with you all: our supporters-only podcast, Human Factors Minute, is will become freely available to the public starting on March 1st, 2023! This means that you can now listen to all the hard work our Digital Media Lab has done to explore Human Factors concepts without having to support us financially.

However, we still want to provide exclusive content to our supporters, so the public feed of Human Factors Minute will only air on the 10th, 20th, and last day of the month. This means that the general public will get three Human Factors Minutes per month, while our supporters will continue to get four.

In addition to making our content freely available, we're also providing new options for supporting us. Patreon will still be our primary platform, but we're also offering support through Buy Me a Coffee, and Ko-fi. This will give our supporters more flexibility in how they choose to support us.

We'll have more details early next year as we ramp up for public release. 

Thank you for your support, and we hope you enjoy our newly available content!