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Dec. 30, 2022

2022 Recap | Bonus Episode

That's right! We're back again with our annual tradition of recapping every news story that didn't make it on the show. We also threw in a few surprises this year! We take a look back at some of the top played moments from our run this year, and break down the top episodes by downloads.


Recorded in December, 2022, hosted by Nick Roome & Barry Kirby.



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Hello. That was a terrible and welcome to the Human Factors Cast annual what are we calling this review? Recap. Recap. We're prerecording this, but it's set for release during the holidays. 2022. Steven factors. Cast. I'm your host, Nick Rome, joined today by Barry Kirby. Ho. Ho. You're very festive in your shirt. I think that was Christmas top on and everything. I'm just disappointed in your luck of suiting up and making on the appropriate uniform. You know what? Maybe after the break I will. Who knows? We got a great show for you tonight. We'll be talking about all the stuff that you may have missed in 2022. We're going to go through every top news story that we found, and we're going to go through it. All right? So let's get into it.



Yes. This is the whole thing today. This is the part of the show all about Human Factors news. It's the entire thing. So, Barry, why don't you start us off in January? What did we talk about in January? So in January, the first one we hit was how COVID is changing the study of human Behavior. And that was Episode 230 titled did Covert Change the Way We Study Human Behavior? Do you remember doing that one, Nick? I truthfully don't. I think that was the very first thing that we did this year, so I don't remember at all. No, me neither. All right, well, this one wasn't a story that we did on the show, but it was one that we found. It's called mind controlled. Robots are now one step closer. I'm imagining there's some human brain interface that's linked up to these. Quite possibly what we didn't do on the show was experts saying people will soon live entire lives in the Metaverse. And we did that on episode 232. Now, I do remember that one. That one was a fun one because we talked about, well, how are they going to eat, sleep, defecate and urinate in VR? And I think we ultimately came down with you can't. It's interesting because there was some stuff done more recently where some people have been holding big events in the Metaverse and they'll be turned up. Right? Exactly. Loads and loads of money on doing it. And actually people just still don't really get it. Yeah. All right, for the next story here is for the first time in medical history, an autonomous drone helps save the life of a cardiac or res patient. This was a cool one. So now, I do remember reading about this story. I believe the drone had a defibrillator on it and it actually flew out and was able to save somebody's life. That's cool. And hopefully they'll do more of that next. Virtual reality could help make therapy easier, which I can see is something really good at Ganny. It's about using creating environments and things like that that kind of works with, which would also link in quite nicely with some of the other stories we had from this year. Yeah. And we've actually seen phobia therapy actually successful when you expose people to their phobias in a virtual environment first, it's actually like have them touch a spider in VR first before they actually experience okay, I see you shaking your head over there. There is some efficacy there, but I think what this one is talking about is like actual sit down talk therapy. So that's interesting. The next one here we actually covered in episode 200. And what was this? 1233? Yeah. How much do students learn when they double the speed of their class videos? And does watching two times the speed impact learning? That was the episode there and I think it did not I think they still sped, watch it and it was fine. And this is where we learned that you listened to your podcast at a faster speed. And I think that's where I was saying that we're missing the artistry and the performance of people like us because all you could do is talk to this right now, we're talking really quick and what do you get out of that rather than the dulcet tones that we normally get? One of the next ones was New military Tech lets one person fly a swarm of 130 drones. And this was episode 234. This is something quite close to my heart because it's around how you can control multiple vehicles and get across an intent without actually flying each individual vehicle whilst you're also flying some sort of command vehicle. It's really interesting. Yeah, that was a super cool story to talk about. Especially thinking about some of the control mechanisms for how to control these hives of drones at a certain target. Right. You kind of paint the target rather than control the drone in so many words. It was just an interesting look at it and the paradigm shift from controlling a single drone versus thinking about objective based. So that was it for January, so let's go ahead and move into February here. The first story in February is Coping with Complexity in the COVID Pandemic, an exploratory study of intensive care units. So this was a study looking at intensive care units and basically looking at how they were coping with the pandemic. And I think there is more and more studies coming down to the pandemic, which I think we hopefully going to be learning a lot from. The next story in February was surveys with repetitive questions yield bad Data as study Finds. I've got to admit I don't remember reading that one at all. Did you read that?



Yes. Basically the gist of that one was if they are repeating questions that are similar then they're going to be less likely to provide accurate answers in the subsequent questions. So that first one is probably more representative than the other one. The next one up here. Virtual reality users keep suffering horrible injuries. We've all seen our fair share of fun virtual reality videos of people throwing their devices into their TVs and taking off the headset and realizing, oh, my God, what have I done? But this one was basically somebody, let's see here, getting hurt doing strenuous physical activity during a fighting virtual coliseum game, basically hurting their own shoulder and a couple of other injuries. Story fun. Yes. The next one is impact of COVID-19 Social Isolation measures on Early Development And so that was looking at how the whole everybody being locked down actually affected early development in younger children. Next story here is a story on interacting with robots. And when you think about hotels, the story here reads, people prefer interacting with female robots in hotels. And I think we had talked about this briefly on, like, a pre show or a post show, and how it was kind of rooted in sexism and misogyny. And so there's that. But yeah, robots. Next one is people fast and accurate. We're making high value decisions. I'm fairly sure we actually spoke about that on the show, or we have spoken about it in a different context. But yes, that's basically you're actually quite speedy and you're quite accurate when the value behind whatever it is you're making the decision about, you can actually do quite well. Yes, I do remember that, and I'll have to get a number on that one because I feel like that was a story that maybe got missed. This next one here is a story that we covered in February. It was on episode 235, and our story was Can Paraplegics Walk Again? With assistance from technology. It was about a man who had some spine implants that allowed him to control his legs using an app. And I don't remember if this is the one that Brian was on and he brought up the bionic eye where they just kind of shut down the eye while he was walking around. Yes. Could have been, actually. Yeah. Because I think he brought up the same concerns here with will they shut down the app while he's using his legs? If your app gets upgraded, or the one was if the company goes out of business, what happens? The next one is spine imp. No, that we've just done. That one is overlooked disease. Tens of thousands of people have problems at work. Fair enough. Yeah. Do you remember what that one was? Because I remember that story, but I don't remember what the overlooked thing was. Do you remember it's basically around people with migraines or frequent tension headaches have reduced workability. So basically taking more into account, more around, basically, I guess, some of the unseen things that we don't see when people are at work. I got you. All right, so this next one here is researchers call for greater clarity for what constitutes a mental health problem. We actually talked about a reference to this show or to this show, just a couple of weeks ago when we had Heidi on talking about airplane pilots and basically the system that locks them in. I mean, we'll talk about that a little bit later, but this one specifically is what is mental health and how do we define it. And I remember even some folks from HFES reached out to us about having that conversation. For human factors professionals too. That was episode 236, if anyone is interested. Next one is study challenges, advice to perform different tasks at specific times. Yeah, just basically you can have different amount of productivity depending on the different type of task, depending on the time of day it is. And so you can actually allocate your work accordingly to do the certain tasks at different times to be most productive. Right, I do remember that now. All right, one in three young people say they felt happier during lockdown, which I think, yeah, that works quite well because actually a lot of people answer as outgoing as we think. They have a lot more relationships online and things like that. So it makes actually a lot of sense. Makes sense to me. Next one is seeing green can ease confusion, anger, and navigating hospitals. WVU researcher says. Yeah, so this was an interesting one because basically putting green environments in hospitals making people feel better, right? You see trees, you see nature, and therefore you have a better physiological response to treatment. And then the last one here rounding out February, employers should nurture friendship and support amongst coworkers to unlock creativity. I remember us talking a lot about what is it creativity and inventiveness and what's the other eye word I'm thinking of inspiration. Innovation. Innovation. That's it. I remember us having a lot of conversation about that during this. Basically what this is in my opinion, it's still a very predatory thing where employers are asking their employees to be friends. You're part of a family, you don't want to leave. It's trapping them because of other internal social factors. So, yeah. Do you have any other thoughts on that one, Barry? Yeah, well, it was one of the studies that came out of the back university here in the UK. It was an interesting one because again, it's a highlights of trying to get that balance right between how do you support people and trying to get them to give them the social structures that you need, but also but not taking it too far because there's negative cultures that can be bought in amongst that. Yeah, and that was episode 237 for everyone's reference. It was can human factors of workplace relationships improve creativity? Hey, we're going to take a quick break and we'll be back to talk about what happened in March. All right. And we're back. We changed our clothes. Let's get on with march. So Barry, go ahead. That's the first one in March. In the first one in March. Your lunchtime walks in the summer could be making you less productive, which I guess 15 minutes of work walking outside on a hot day impaired cognitive performance. And this was apparently most striking in men who didn't get enough sleep. Interesting. Glad I don't go and walk. Neurobiology. Our minds distinguish between various social influences. So this one we actually did talk about in the show. And this one was episode 238, how our minds distinguished various social influences. We're not feeling very inspired with the episode title that week. Next one is researchers uncover how the human brain separates, stores and retrieves memories. And then after that, we had understanding sexual activity while driving as a form of distracted driving. This is one of your favorite stories of the year, as evidenced by our search traffic on Google. Now, this one is a great story about the research that they conducted to to talk about risky driving behaviors. Anyway, go check that out. Episode it was episode 239. Oh, it's one of my favorites. UX focuses on men's experience. We need financial products built for women. Up next, we had gamification. Past habits may impact future eco friendly tendencies differently. And next we have us. Regulators no longer fully require autonomous vehicles to have human controls. Yeah, that's a big one. Hey, Barry, we remember this one. I still have the app on my phone here. Man credits affair with his AI. Girlfriend for saving his marriage. This one we talked about on the show was episode 240. How can AI provide companionship? A long running experiment is clearly still going on. Next up, we have editorial. A chatbot could one day replace search engines. This is why that is a terrible idea. Sort of getting into the idea that chatbots are much more interrogative around. And I'm going to go ahead and take a guess that we talked about this last week on the show, too. Oh, it's me. The UK is training paramedics to use jet packs in emergencies. And, yeah, that was a good story. We talked about it on the show. Episode 241, how giving paramedics jet packs can stop people from dying. This was one of my favorite ones of the year, barry, I think that we talked about so much so that gravity ignored us entirely. Gravity ignored us. But actually, the paramedics who were using it, they retweeted us. They chimed in and listened to our expert analysis. The next one, china's Jet nose dived from 29,000ft baffles crush scientists. Yeah, that was a tough one. All right. And with that, that's march, let's get into April here. So starting off April, we had the IEEE standard will make autonomous vehicles safer. I'm not sure what the standard is, but or what's in the standard. I should say CI EEEE standard, but autonomous vehicles. The next one was study finds top reviews, not average ratings sway customer decision making. And that was an episode that we did. Episode 242, how top reviews help sway customer decisions. Really interesting one. Yeah. This one was also a recast that we put out right around a month ago for Black Friday. So hope you all enjoyed listening to that one. Thought it was a good one to have right around that time. Next one here. Arctic simulation of moonlike habitat shows that well being sessions can improve a mental health and extreme isolation. So it's good for some of our astronauts who are going on long term spaceflight. That's true. In episode 243, we talked about how human factors can help pilots catch a rocket booster in midair. Or as we found out, not actually rocket booster in midair. And I'm still not entirely convinced that they got there yet. So a couple of follow ups to this one. This is interesting. And that's why I like doing these year end reviews, is because we can actually do some follow ups on these. They caught it, but then they dropped it. So they caught it. They just haven't done a successful mission to date yet. That process, it was really cool watching the video of the hook on the helicopter coming over the parachute and hooking it, and it was totally out of camera shot, so you didn't see it. But then it came back down and you see it's right there and it's like, oh, they got this rocket. But yeah, they've ultimately had to drop them. And an interesting one. And I think Barry also just a meta commentary here. We're beyond the threshold for where I'm remembering every episode, because now I'm remembering every single one of them. All right, this next one here study reveals a set of brain regions that control complex sequences of movement. Some neuropsych that we didn't necessarily dig into on the show, but always fun to get those stories. Then we go to episode 244, where we looked at fixing humanity's broken risk perception to save the planet, which is the outcome which was the outcome of a UN report. Yeah, that one was also interesting. Heavily tied into climate ergonomics. And yeah, that was episode 244. 244. So that actually rounds out the month of April. Believe it or not, we're already through April. So let's get into May. Yet another episode that you all love. According to our Google search reports, VR researchers have basically figured out a way how to simulate how to kiss and VR. And this is episode 246. Let's kiss and VR. This is what it says on the tin. That's it. But then in episode 245, from ButcherBox to Ruble burger flippers six ways, the food industry is turning to tech in 2022. And so that episode we had human bot, human robot interaction would change the food industry. Yeah, I remember that one being a really fun one just because there was a bunch of different technologies going on there behind the scenes that could come into the food place. All right, next up, we have a coaching program that reduces burnout among resident physicians, which is always good news. The next one is, does presenting credibility levels of journalistic sources affect the news? Consumption needs to be a limited effects. No. We also have design guidelines for test level three through test level five, roadside barrier systems placed on mechanically stabilized Earth retaining walls. And I was so stoked for this story, but no one wanted it, so there's that. I'm pleased that you're excited by that. Yeah. These video games can help boost children's intelligence, which is great. I think we all know that basically telling a story allows people to take on knowledge a lot easier, and so this must feed into that one. Yeah. There is also another story in May all about how we perceive crowds. I got into some cognitive psychology about how we actually look at crowds of people and what we do when we encounter them. Also a very interesting read. Yeah. Next one is, it will soon be easy for self driving cars to hide in plain sight. We shouldn't let them. Obviously an opinion piece there around the way that self driving cars conduct their business in the future. Yeah. Up next year, passenger lands a plane after pilot gets sick. Another one of these stories.



247. The new tools for airport construction, safety, and phasing plans. We actually spent quite a long time talking about this, considering the nature of the topic. It was a surprisingly popular episode too. Experts are alarmed by Zooms Tech for detecting users emotions.



Well, given one of our recent topics have been around about the use of AI, I think this will just go back into oh, do you remember them days where Zoom zoom could actually just work out what your motion was. Now it's actually just completely replacing you. The next one is making sure workers have a good day, gives companies a competitive advantage. Another good story about looking after your staff and helping them perform. Yeah, I have a more cynical view on that. I think I've explained that you're trying to entrap your employees so that way they don't want to go and work somewhere else, get better salaries. Anyway, last up in May, in person socialization down, but social media isn't to blame, researcher says, and that actually rounds us out through the month of May. I promise I didn't plan to be the last one to round out all these months. Barry, what about the first one of June? So June the first story there has supernatural virtual robotic arms. Can feel like parts of our body. That was a cool one. Yeah, and I can't believe we didn't actually make an episode out of that. I feel like we did, but maybe we didn't. I don't know. A new model sheds light on how we learn motor skills. More cognitive psychology. Love it. Cool. Our baby is the key to the next generation of artificial intelligence. Please do put artificial intelligence on there, because I thought our baby is the key to the next generation. Well, yes,



this would be a very interesting article to go back and review in the light of the last episode. One of the last episodes that we did on AI, maybe both of the last two episodes that we did on AI. We don't know yet because we don't remember. We don't remember. We just don't remember. It's all like Christmas mold wine. National Highway Transportation Safety Administration releases initial data on safety performance of advanced vehicle technologies. Now this is basically they're able to better identify any emerging risks or trends and learn more about how these technologies are performing in the real world. So that's kind of a cool report that they came out with and really transformative in a lot of ways. Kind of sad that we didn't talk about that. The next one is ambulance service staff aren't able to drive new vehicles due to the height. We've had Heidi on the show a couple of times this year. She actually brought this up. I was talking with her one time that, yes, this actually happens and it's sad. So, hey, we talked about those double decker airplane seats back in episode 250. Smelling your neighbor's farts right in your face. So that was a fun one. Go back and listen to that one if you want to learn more about that. And then the next article is around why people don't view the world the same way others do. And I don't think I read that one, but that sounds it's almost one of them obvious world. They're different. Okay. Yeah, exactly. I think it was cognitive psych or neuropsych or something. I don't know. There's some unique flair to it that I thought was interesting. Anyway, children in remote school face more sleep behavior and social challenges, which is sad and I think highlights the importance of being in person. Yes. Then on episode 249, we talked about Google sentient AI because Google places an engineer on leave after claiming its AI was sentient, which was a really interesting discussion. And actually, again, sort of springboards a lot of the AI discussions we've been having in the second half of this year. Yes, there has been a lot of AI discussion this year, and for good reason. We are on the horizon. We're very close to having it be main place, and we're right there. This is a human factors issue through and through. We need to talk about it, and there's a reason why we talked about it so much this year. Also, I'm just going to say you all pick the stories we don't anymore. And so it's you that want to hear about this. So there's that. Next up in June, we had bus rapid transit. Current state of practice.



Okay. We also have the new theory of decision making, seeks to explain why humans don't make optimal choices. I thought that was an episode. It was in part of an episode. We combined them this is something else. And, yeah, I do remember talking about that mass shootings leave lasting psychological wounds. Yes, they do. And then in episode 252, we talked about the future of wearables. And the future of wearables is socks because smart textiles sense how their users are moving. Really interesting discussion that. Go back and listen to it. Yeah. And last up for June, again, I'm rounding it out again. Researchers study society's readiness for AI ethical decision making. Another AI article here. This one was episode 248. Is society ready for AI to make ethical decisions? And this was specifically talking about in hospital settings, in settings where it could potentially save the lives of people or make those calls. And that was a really interesting talk and one that I'm glad we had. Yeah. All right. Brings us to July. So in July, the first story up is towards a touchless airport journey where you're going through your entire airport process and you didn't actually have to engage physically with any elements. It was a complete touchless journey through the airport. That's fun. One of my favorite stories of the year was the line a city without roads, cars and emissions. This was episode 254, is basically the Line, the city of the future in neon. And there's a couple of follow ups to this. They actually wrote ground on it. Have you seen the aerial shots? It is just one big, long line. And I've seen some really critical comments on this on social and everything about like, well, why is it just snow piercer and all that stuff? Because all they need to do is shut down one wall and they're good for control. So, yeah, that's exactly it. Anyway, very tempted to reach out and do some sort of interview because I think that would be fascinating. That would be the next one. Google wants to test augmented reality glasses in public. What could possibly go wrong with that? What is this, an article from what, 2010? Oh. Oh, no, this is this is this year. This is this year. And because obviously this is actually google wants to do this rather than anybody else. But, yeah, we've been there. Doesn't that quite a lot. For real. It's more like 2013. By the way, I think that was when Google anyway, customer and employee experience the new normal. I think this is kind of just looking at customer experience and employee experiences. The next one world population prospects. In 2022, the UN gives a report on the world's population. Presumably, there's more of us. Yeah, we did do an episode on that. We have 8 billion people to design for. We kind of did multiple population things in there to get that one in there. All right, next up here, how to categorize conversational interfaces, which is something very interesting. And hopefully, if we talked about this last week, it's a good tie in, especially as these conversational interfaces are becoming more mainstay. Yeah, the next one is gender biases in search algorithms has effect on users. And new study finds in a whole new case of well done. But we can only say that now because there has actually been loads of studies now done about looking at things like gender bias in search algorithms, like smart speakers and things like that as well. So, yeah, whilst it's an obvious thing, it's still really good that we get these studies to prove it. Right. All right, let's look at the four bases of anti science beliefs and what to do about them. So this is why people don't believe in science or are antiscience anyway. Yeah, I've got a very short reason about why people don't believe in science. Anyway, wearable arm muscles could help overcome upper body injuries, which is, I guess, an early thing into a lot of the wearable techs that we've been looking at. And we do have some episodes later on where we do talk about wearable tech in that way. Yeah, I feel like we talked about that one. But again, I'm kind of looking at the stories every week, and so I recognize the thumbnail. Anyway, this is one that I definitely know we talked about. This is episode 251. Grandma relaxed. It's just a robot. New York State is giving out hundreds of robots as companions for the elderly. And that's a really important thing, especially as the elderly get lonely. Yeah, that was episode 251. And really, as we look at how the changing landscape of social care really key step forward, then the next one is the link between recognizing our voice and feeling in control. I feel in control of the podcast when I can hear my voice through these headphones. All right. The post row data privacy nightmare is way bigger than period tracking apps. Yeah, the repeal of Ruby Wade happened this year here in the States. Anyway, there's a lot of privacy concerns around that, and it's a huge issue that deserves its time in the spotlight that we didn't get. All right, up in August. Barry, what's going on in August? So the first one up in August, managing enhanced risk in the mega project world. That's looking at, like, when you've got some super huge projects or programs and how you manage risk in them. All right, next up, AI. Is AI good for healthcare? So, yeah. Another AI story. Yes, I think it's the answer to that. We may never fully know how video games affect our well being. And we discussed that in episode 257. Do video games affect your well being? Yeah. Well, did we answer that question? I think we probably did. Probably not. We never do. All right. Random acts of kindness make a bigger splash than expected. Probably. I used to do some random acts of kindness. Haven't done them for a while. Maybe I need to take that back up again. What do you do? Another AI story. But the first. No, I was going to say the first AI story for August, and it's the second one. So AI allows dead woman to talk to people who showed up at her funeral. Yeah. And that's not to be confused with the other one to your dead relatives. It's a different dead person story. I think it's built on the same tech, but we'll see study finds that buttons in cars are safer and quicker to use than touch screens. That one we did talk about on the show, episode 258. Touchscreens are killing your driving experience. And yeah, I mean, this is something that almost every human factor person knows, but it's one to talk about nonetheless. That was a very special one because it was because it was on and on about your new car. I'd got my new car that week, so I could actually do it online. So real almost Ethnographic type experience there. Anyway, the next one that we talked around on, 256, the world population is going to hit 8 billion any day now. So we have 8 billion humans to design for within the world. Yeah. That's a lot of humans. A lot of humans. Google examines how the different generations handle misinformation. So that's a good case study of basically how we look at it. Yeah, and something I've been talking about very recently with students. The next one is sloppy use of machine learning is causing a reproducibility crisis in science. All the people using AI chatbots to write their science. That's what's going on.



Sorry. What was that? Barry? They need to stop doing that and start doing it properly. Yeah, I think so. All right. By the numbers. The inflation reduction act. So basically looking at lowering costs for families, combating climate crisis, reducing the deficit, finally asking the largest corporations to pay their fair share. Obviously, we didn't talk about it on the show, but it was a transformative bill that had a lot of human factors things in it. And it would have been fun to talk about the next one, which actually we talked about on episode 255. We titled it I've had it with these HF robots on this HF space Station. Whereas the actual title was a surgery performing robot is ready for tests on the International Space Station. So basically, they had a robot that could take up and allow you to perform surgery in space, meaning people could stay up there and if they it's something we don't really think about. If somebody has a major medical issue in the space station, what do they do about it? Because you can't just get an ambulance back down to Earth super quick. I unitically love the Stakes on a plane movie, so anytime I can make a reference to that movie and Sam Jackson, I mean, come on. And MF and HF. Oh, come on. It's just the perfect title. Come on. Title of the year. Title of the year. All right. Augmented Reality could be the future of paper books, according to a new research. So looking at basically AR in paper books, which is kind of cool. Yeah. The next one emergent hazards in Commercial Aviation. The report. One initial assessment of safety data and analysis processes. I'm sure that's more reports I love these reports because they really do give you a lot of juicy details about what's going on in the state of the industries. They're not always the most popular topics for us to talk about on the show, which is they're not the sexiest headlines in the world. No, they're not. They're not. But, I mean, they're really important. So sometimes people could anyway, sprint, then stop. Brain is wired for the math to make it happen. I think that's basically go, go, go, then stop, and your brain is okay with it. And Barry, you get to end this one. Yay. So the last one for August, the last one, the first time I've been able to do the last one is sometimes the stress could be good for brain functioning, which is actually quite true. We know that there is a stress code where you have a performance thing, but that bit of where you just tip over the edges is still a bit vague. All right. And that ends out August. So we're going to start with September. But right after this, we'll be right back and maybe change close again and be festive. And we're back. We're going to start on September now. And I forget who we went last. We once again changed our clothes. So I'll go first here first. In September, we had studies suggesting that watching TV with your child can help their cognitive development. If that's the case, I am in good shape. Well, Denise, moral injury is an invisible epidemic that affects millions. Yes, that one was. Yes, I remember that one when I was reading it. Experts 90% of online content will be AI generated by 2026. Go figure. We just did a couple of stories on AI, and I think this is absolutely true. In fact, we have a lot of AI content generation tools behind the scenes that we've been using has really accelerated our growth. So, like, I don't know. Yeah. The next one was episode 260, a New way to alert drivers to pedestrians. Inspired by the article that Ford drivers could get alerts from nearby pedestrians phones, which was very timely. So I don't know whether I mentioned it, but I got a new car, which happened to be a Ford, and all linked into this. And so I could then wax lyrical about my different screen sizes and things. Yes, I remember the conversation about your new car. You were very excited about it and still are. Presumably you still like it. It's the end of the year check in. All right. I'm glad you're liking it. Hey, this one was cool. And I'm really sad that we didn't get a chance to talk about it, but HP made a robot that prints blueprints onto a construction site. So they had a little robot out there that took a little bit of chalk and basically outlined some places for a construction site with this robot. Kind of cool, cool. Next one, scientists asked students to try and fool anticheating software, and they did. Which actually this fits in with a lot of the AI stuff we've been talking about as well, is actually if you got tools online, what is cheating? What is plagiarism? How does AI fit into all of that as well? Right, let's see here. Crypto guy, desperately poor people could be NPCs in video games. I don't know, taking people who are in need of money for fiber tasks to be an NPC in a video game. It's not an NPC at that point, though. No, I'm fairly sure there's been like films around that wasn't The Running Man based on something kind of similar. Anyway, embracing CX in the metaverse, so that's around a very near future omnichannel customer experience. CX seamlessly integrating several different physical and digital retail modes. So, yeah, interesting stuff. Very cool. Up next, we had the metaverse need standards, too, and this was an episode that we did, episode 259, metaverse Standards are Coming. And this was a very important discussion. I think that as we start to look at sort of these VR environments as they are today, and even over the last couple of months, you've seen sort of the decline of the metaverse already. Which is just funny how trends change so quickly, though. I think, again, that's going around, that whole idea of no actually knows what the metaverse is. Yeah. So the next one, a memory Prosthesis, could restore memory in people with damaged brains, which I think is an absolutely fascinating thing for where you've got degenerative illnesses as you get older, I think the more we can do around this is brilliant. So I was quite keen on that story. Barry, you're going to get the end on this one. So the next one up here is changing perceptions about harm can temper moral outrage. So basically I think what the moral of this story was, was that understanding sexual risk avoidance is kind of what it was looking at, but understanding people engaging in sexual behavior at a young age is it selfharm probably not. Changing your perceptions around that is going to allow you to be less outraged about it. And I actually get to finish one. This is the first one all year that I've been able to finish. So the final article of September was what, you know, changes how you see things. And I think this is one of the articles that we kind of went, well, yeah, dirt. Who could have experienced tempering, how you interpret things. Yes, who would have thought? Okay, so then that brings us to October here. The first one up is we used to get excited about technology, what happened. And this is kind of citing some of the technology craze of the 1990s where you had the crazy colored gadgets like the apples with the pastel. No, it's not pastel. It's like just all those multicolored Apple devices. And think about the Game Boy color and just how everything was kind of wacky and wild for the we used to get excited about the new releases and the new iPhones and the new not in the 90s, but the new generations of phones. And now it's just a commonplace investigating what happened there. Well, I think that's interesting because really, we've stopped. They always used to be really big step changes in technology. You'd have, like, super big phones, whereas now it's just so incremental. You don't really see any changes. It's more of a fashion thing. The next one is technology that lets us speak to our dead relatives. Are we ready for that? And so we talked about that in episode 263. Talking to dead people is about to get real. And there was loads of examples now about people using AI and things like that to regenerate people's, like, say, on a screen or something like that, to allow you to have them sort of conversations. And I remember talking about things well, how does that affect how we deal with grief and things like that? So quite a deep episode, that one. Yeah, you weren't on that episode. It was me and Heidi. You were out that week. I'm fairly sure I spoke on that because then we bring in some of Bob Stone stuff. It might have been a different episode that we talked about it on, too, because I think that one specifically, you were out. Maybe. I don't know. It's all a blur, man. It's all a blur. This next one here, it was interesting, though, because it was talking about the sort of future of what it could look like when flying cars existence is traffic noise from flying cars stressful. So they're kind of looking at the stress levels caused by the sound of a flying car passing overhead. You can imagine the stress might be a little higher than if it was just a plane traveling overhead at a higher altitude. Now you're working at something at much lower altitude, theoretically, with more flying cars around and more opportunity for accidents. Does that increase your level of stress when you're just sitting at home? Probably the bigger, greater possibility of dropping out the sky. The next story is this flight simulator recreates the worst part of flying, and that is being a passenger. I think there's some merit to that one, though. I think there's some really important things that we can learn from putting somebody in a passenger seat in a plane and watching how they interact. Are we going to take those lessons to heart? I don't know. Hey, we got this AI bill of Rights from the White House which is really timely considering what we just discussed over the last couple of weeks here. But basically what AI needs to have and what it can't have, which I think is a really important piece of the puzzle that is missing from AI right now. Yeah. Next one is robotic exoskeleton adapts to wearers to help them walk faster. And that was for us was in 262 with robotic boots, walking the walk. Really interesting. Walking the walk, talking the talk. All right, moving on here. Up next, we have safety effects of raising the speed limits to 75 higher. So basically, speed limit laws here in the states kind of vary from municipality to municipality. And in the 1990s, many states increased those limits to 75 mph on select roads. And some states have speed limits that are greater than 75. Really? This is kind of analyzing the effects of the safe. Safeness? How safe is it? I don't know. The next one. Scientist proposed putting giant googly eyes on self driving car. Brilliant. Love the idea. For Halloween, we put Googley eyes on our gate. There's nothing you can't put Googley eyes on and therefore improve it. We actually had a lab discussion with Katie from her lab saying we should do human factors TikToks with Google's eyes on things to explain concepts. And I love it. I love that. Hey, one of my biggest blunders of the year here episode 261. Are you lost without your phone? This is a story. Smartphones promise satisfaction and meaning deliver only more searching, steady fines. We can move on from that one. Barry, the next one. Do humans think computers make fair decisions?



Yeah. Do they? The road to future of AI is paved with trust. Again, getting at all these things. I think the theme of this year is definitely AI, if not for our own interests, but clearly the interests of the listeners, because they choose the stories for the week and week over week. It's always been about AI. Most of the time. It's clearly on the tip of everyone's tongue and it is the next big thing. It is then the final one of October. I get to do two last ones in a row. That's amazing. How people rate pizza jobs and relationships is surprisingly predictive of their behavior. I love that story. It's just so interesting. All right, so, hey, we're in November now. We're really starting to catch up to where we've been. We need to change the system that keeps pilots from seeking mental health care. So we actually did this quite recently. This is when we had Heidi on the show a couple of weeks ago. I don't have a number in front of me, but I will get that for you as we're talking here. But that was a really great story and almost a monologue from Heidi who went into some of her experiences as somebody who was seeking pilot training. And that's episode 266, pilots in Distress. That was literally like a month ago that we did that from the time of this recording. Well done for pulling out the back. Very dynamic. Well done. The next story was talking around the future of aviation. Aviation has a future. Yeah. And then we have designing the future of retail here. So basically COVID-19 changing everything and basically with inflation kind of having these lasting impacts, it's basically kind of paving the way for these new retail experiences. China just announced a new social credit law. And here's what it means. The article goes on about how China is implementing social credit, which there is a number of takes you can have on that story. There's a number of takes you can have on that story. Also, by the way, all these were selected to be potential candidates for the show. And so some of these I'm like, man, it would have been fun to talk about that. That's what I'm kind of glad we avoided long lasting other social issues like yeah. Hey, this next one, though. Safety one to safety two. White paper. This is kind of looking at how we move from a system of ensuring that as few things as possible go wrong to a system where many things as possible go right. And we talked a little bit about Safety One and Safety Two with Joe Keebler a little bit earlier this year during our conference coverage of the Human Factors Healthcare Symposium. Yeah, so the next one is an article that discusses the usability of augmented reality. Anybody who's on LinkedIn and looks at the work of Professor Bob Stone, he's all of this like a rational and will comment on every single paper that comes out like this. Yeah, good comments too. Patient Safety Incident Response Framework. Psurf I think is how they that's the thing. It is out there. It's been rolled out, I think. UK and us. The next one is a framework for assessing potential safety impact of automated driving systems. Getting back into a bit of automation, AI type topics. Yes. And then this one was also fun to talk about on the show. The UX nightmare that is Twitter verification. Now, we actually did this in episode 265. Our episode was why Twitter's new verification system is a total disaster. We kind of talked a little bit about the trust aspects that go on behind the scenes of trusting corporate accounts and whether or not somebody whose responsibility is it? All that stuff. It was a good conversation. It was the next one, tracking trust in human robot work interactions about having that look on. How does that how does trust get laid in between the two? Next one here. New study shows how voting methods affect group decision making. And this was on multivoting, which was actually a really cool topic that we talked about on the show. I loved this episode. This is one of my sleeper hits. It was basically multivoting, the best option for decision making, group decision making, basically looking at how multivoting can almost determine the outcome before you even start having a discussion on where to go with something. So that was actually a really cool conversation. I highly recommend going back and listening to that one. Yeah, because with that one, we like not only what the outputs were, but the methodology that they used to get there. We had a really good discussion. And then the final one for November. AI helps Humans level up. So again, looking at, again, the use of AI to help us do more with what we're doing. It's almost like the person who picked these stories noticed a trend in AI and started picking more and more stories. Or there's just more AI stories that had human factors implications. Hey, we're now in December, the beginning of this month, and we have a couple of top stories for you. So the first one here is national State of Patient Safety Report 2022. Kind of taking a look back at patient safety over the year. Next one is Shared Automation Vehicle Toolkit Policies and Planning Considerations for Implementation, which is really good because it's something we've been hanging on about quite a lot, where we look at automation, AI and that type of thing. The need for policies to help us do this in a safe and effective way. Yeah. All right. Coming up next year, human creators stand a benefit as AI rewrites the rules of content creation. You just need to go back a couple of weeks to listen to this one. It's episode 267, where I freaked out about generative AI being a disruption and a game changer. So, yeah, go listen to that one. It's a great conversation and yeah, I mean, it's transformative. We're there. It's going to be so cool because the next story, Barry, is how GPT is blowing Google out of the water. A UX breakdown. So, funnily enough, that is not the story that we actually talked about. That was the story that we wanted to do, but we ended up talking about the UI of Google or the UI of Chat GPT because this story was actually taken down in between us selecting it for the show and us doing the show. So we found one from the same source that was along the same lines, but hey, the tech is finally good enough for an airship revival. I am really sad that this story didn't get selected because this one was a really cool one, but it was up against the Chat GPT, of course. Maybe we need to try and roll out into next year. And then the final one for December, the final one for 2022. Hearing is believing sounds can alter our visual perception. That's cool. Yeah. Well, hey, that was it for the year of 2022. I can't believe we made it through all those stories. And you know what? We have just a little bit of time left. And I'd like to take a little bit of a retrospective. I took a little bit out of the Barry Kirby Twelve Two podcast playbook here, and I went through and looked at some of our top downloaded episodes. I also took a look at some of our top moments in the form of YouTube shorts and TikToks and Instagram reels that we've put out there. I've consolidated the data across all the platforms, okay? And some of these ones are surprising, and some of them are maybe not so surprising. We're going to take a look at some of the top ten shorts or moments from across the podcast. Starting at number ten here, we're going to work our way down. Barry, we can alternate here. Number ten, the best advice for your career. And this was basically Heidi coming onto the show and saying, create a cover your ass document that basically outlines your reasoning for doing something. So that way when somebody comes back and says something contradictory, you can point to that document and say, but look here. What was number nine, Barry? Number nine was, what is the difference between HF, UX and HCI? So we went into the differences between them all and actually highlighted yeah, if you go on our TikTok, that's the one of me going like this with the little umbrella election night but without Internet. That was number eight. That was me freaking out about election night results because I was in a cabin without Internet. So that was fun. Number seven, should PMS or project managers be making recommendations? Should they be making HF or UX recommendations and really shouldn't? Barry, I have to apologize for this next one, man. It's only been out for a couple of weeks, and it's already one of our top performing videos of all time. Misogynist called out. This is where Barry gets counseled. Yay. This is when Barry was making a joke about Heidi not being even considered to be a pilot on that episode. And Barry goes, what's wrong with that? Just jokingly. And I made him look like a misogynist on our social. So there's that. Yeah. So you might not see me around. For me, Thunder, number five was caught in the act, which is hashtag caught, hashtag HFS 2022, hashtag live stream, live stream failed, hashtag live, hashtag Oops, which is when we start when we went on live and we've been trying for it all day back live. And then we went to this came back at one point, and Nick is basically doing other things. Hello. Yeah, I had a mouthful of nuts. So you'll notice a trend here that some of the top videos are at my expense. So, you know, Barry, number six was yours, but number two, number three is mine. Hey. Number four, though, this was how often do UX researchers travel? This one actually surprised me how well this one did. It's obviously a question that a lot of folks have. How often do UX researchers travel now? What's number three, Barry? I'm ready. Number three was when it was called Peggy Board, and it's when Nick highlighted the things he has off camera in order to help him retain motivation and be able to do things that not the rest of us can see. Wow, that's well said. Hey, number two. Again, some of these AI stories really taken off. Will AI. Replace creators? And so this was a discussion on whether AI will in fact the generative art this was actually done before that episode. We had kind of it was an it came from question. Anyway, I'll let you reveal what number one was. So, number one, as the top ten short or top ten moments of this year's, generative AI is a game changer. Which, given how many episodes and everything that we've had to do with AI this year is possibly not a surprise. No, not at all. So those were our top ten shorts. We'll do one more little thing here. Barry, I'll let you go first. We're just going to read the episode titles. This is our top ten downloaded episodes for the year of 2022. We took in all our episodes across the entire year, looked at them. Here's what we got. Barry, number ten. So at number ten was episode two to 57. Do video games affect your well being? Number nine. Episode 252 the Future of Wearables is Socks Eight was 249. Let's talk about Google. Sentient AI. Is it really sentient, though? Because, I mean, after the last couple of episodes, maybe. Who knows? Hey, number seven. This one should make everyone really proud here. That's on the show. Ergonomics and Human Factors conference 2022 recap. Yeah. And then at 6242, how top reviews help sway consumer decisions. I can't get any of that, right? No, that's okay. It's the end of the show. Hey, episode 245 is number five, how human robot interaction will change the food industry. That was a fun episode. Seems like it translated well. Four with episode 241, how giving paramedics jet packs can stop people from dying, which was quite cool. We got to talk a bit about flying with just a jetpack on the hills in the Lake District. Speaking of novel ways to use technology, episode 243, how human factors can help pilots catch a rocket booster in mid air. We talked a little bit about this earlier as a follow up. Yes, and they didn't. And at two, episode 244, fixing humanity's broken wrist perception to save the planet. And number one, drumroll, please. Let's kiss. And VR. That's it. It's a provocative title that made people click on the link, probably. But it was definitely one of our top episodes. And I'm surprised that there's another episode that got a lot of attention, let's say, about risky driving behaviors that didn't make the top ten, which I'm a little surprised about, because considering it's the top search that leads people to our website. But that's going to be it for today. We just want to take a minute to thank all of you, every single one of you listening to the show. This show can't happen without you and genuinely keep listening in 2023. We got a lot of really great things for you all. Hope you all had a wonderful holiday season and a happy New Year. Hopefully you like these recaps. Let us know what you think of them. We especially want to thank our patrons for funding our lab and our prosperity here with the podcast. It makes it a little bit easier to spend a little bit more time on this every week when we know we have some support doing so. Thank you all for all of your continued support. Really appreciate you all, keep the show running, all that stuff. But that's going to be it for today, everyone. What did you think of the stories this year? Let us know in our discord. I have no other episodes to recommend to you because all this was recommending episodes. If you like what you hear, you want to support the show. Like I said, there's a couple of ways to do that. Leave us a five star review. You can do that wherever you're at right now. Tell your friends about us. Consider supporting us on Patreon if you have the financial means to do so. If you also want to do this too, you can comment wherever you're listening. What you think of the stories this year? Join our discord for all that fun stuff. Visit our official website. Sign up for our newsletter. Stay up to date with all the latest humefactors news. All of our socials on our website are in the description of this episode. Mr. Barry Kirby, thank you for being on the show this year. I can say that. Where can our listeners go and find you if they want to talk about some of your favorite moments from this year? With the exception of that moment, you can go and find and talk to me about anything. Because I love to chat about anything, especially if it helps us get better insights. You find me on Twitter and across my socials at Boston to Go. But if you want to come and listen to some professionals in the Human Factors field or adjacent, and you can find me on Twelve or two the Human Factors podcast. Twelve two As for me, I've been your host, Nick Rome. You can find me on Discord, regretting my life choices around Pegboards and eating snacks on live stream. You can find me at nick underscore Rome. Thanks again for tuning into Human Factors cast. Until next time, it depends. See you in 2023.

Barry Kirby Profile Photo

Barry Kirby

Managing Director

A human factors practitioner, based in Wales, UK. MD of K Sharp, Fellow of the CIEHF and a bit of a gadget geek.

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